From your Hopedale Dental Care team.
Hopedale Dental

February 2023: Tips, eNews & More!

February can sometimes seem a little dreary with cloudy skies and low temperatures, but luckily, it is also the shortest month of the year! As we patiently wait for the arrival of spring, we can lift our moods and spirits with our loved ones on the Family Day long weekend from February 16-18 and Valentine's Day on February 14th!

This month, we are focusing on everything you need to know about fluoride: what are its benefits for your dental health, where you can get it, and the potential risks associated with having too much. Check out our article below to learn more.

We hope you are still on track with your New Year's resolutions and taking good care of your oral health and overall health. If we haven't spoken to you yet this year, book an appointment with us so we can make sure your oral health is up to speed.

Have a safe and healthy month,

Dr. Amit Chaudhry and Team

What You Should Know About Fluoride

Fluoride is a key ingredient to fight tooth decay. It is a mineral found naturally in water, soil, plants, rocks, and air. It is also added to some kinds of toothpaste, mouth rinses, and vitamin supplements.

Fluoride is beneficial to teeth and bones as it helps:

  • remineralize your tooth enamel, which can prevent cavities and reverse early signs of tooth decay.
  • inhibit bacterial growth and bacterial acid production in the mouth.
  • slow down the loss of minerals from tooth enamel
  • and prevent bone fractures.

Learn More...

Homemade Chocolate Truffles

What's more perfect for Valentine's Day than chocolate? This homemade chocolate truffle makes it even more special to those who will receive this gift from you.

Have fun experimenting with different toppings to create the most delicious and decadent bite!

Check Out The Recipe!

© Hopedale Dental Care
1515 Rebecca Street, Unit 26 (South Oakville Centre) Oakville, ON, L6L 5G8
(905) 827-6102